Monday, 29 October 2012

What are Androgel 1.62 Side Effects

Androgel overview

Androgel 1.62 is hormonal replacement gel use to replace low testosterone in men. The product claim to balance testosterone level in men. As low testosterone reduces libido and sexual desire in men. Treating such  problem aid to tackle several men sexual health issues. The product has prescribed dosage limit and claims to have least side effects. But several users complain various side effects after using the gel. The most common side effects of androgel are mentioned below:

Common Side Effects Of Androgel 1.62                                                  

  • Ance - If you have skin infection or allergy, it is suggested to have medical advice before using the product. As some users of the product experience problem like acne or skin dryness.

  • Headaches - Men using the product may experience mild headache, it is suggested to consult doctor before using the product. Migraine patients shouldn't use the product.

  • Hair loss - Another side effect include hair loss.

  • High blood pressure: As the product is to applied on skin, the gel gets absorbed by the skin and flow through the blood to increase testosterone, which sometimes may increase blood pressure in men.

  • Nausea and vomiting: Some users experience effects like nausea and vomiting.

Androgel Conclusion

Other side effects of the product includes redness of skin, dizziness, change in sexual desire etc. Androgel 1.62% reviews has complete information about the product usage and side effects. It is suggested to have medical consultation before using androgel testosterone.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Bravado Male Enhancement Supplement

Women love men with large sex organ. A bigger penis guarantees complete sexual pleasure. But men with small penis size are unsatisfied and depressed, which ruins their sex life. Consider men with intense desire and libido power but cursed with small penis organ, so it is impossible for him to satisfy his partner. Due to such problem men often get depressed and feel unsatisfied. For complete sexual pleasure, it is important to enjoy every moment of sexual intercourse. So to tackle such problem today there are several products in market. But it is hard to select exactly which product is useful in dealing with such problems. lets' take a look at products.

Bravado Male Enhancement                                                                         

A product called "Bravado male enhancement" help to get better penis organ. It has several features, it not only improves penis size, it elevates libido, improves sexual desire and give more erection to men.

Bravado Ingredients And Functionality

Bravado comes with advance Flow oral release technology (FORT) which creates flow of nutrient and ingredients with blood in body. As  the ingredients flow quickly within the body, which makes it possible to get better results. Also it improves sexual desire, and gives firm erection.

Most of penis enlargement pills stay within stomach and require time to dissolve, which yield mild results. But bravado ingredients dissolve instantly and flow along with blood, which gives quick results.

The product has several customer testimonials which proves that the product proves what it claim to do, and men using the product got positive response after using it.


Bravado surely help  to get better erection and penis size, and strength. Bravado male enhancement reviews helps to get firm erections, with least side effects. Thus it is safe to use bravado male enhancer.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

How Testosterone Replacement Therapy Help To Get Better Testosterone Level In Men

Testosterone is sex hormone in men produced by testis. The pituitary gland controls the production of testosterone. It governs production of sperms and also regulates metabolism, burning of fats etc.  As the body requires hormone for functionality and malfunctioning in production of hormones create problems in men.

Low testosterone creates several problems as mention below:

  • Low sex drive

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Depression and anxiety                                                                    

  • Low sperm count

  • Reduce muscle mass

  • Mood swings

  • Poor concentration

Erectile dysfunction is due to uncontrolled or inadequate blood supply to the penile chamber, which affects penile erection. To fix such problems today we have hormonal replacement therapy. The therapy has several forms, and it is meant for men with low testosterone level.

  • Gels: Several testosterone gels like androgel, help to get better testosterone level. Such gels contain testosterone which replaces low testosterone in the body.

  • Injections: Often injected in penile organ of men to stimulate penile nerve which brings erection in men. The compounds released by injection help to remove arterial blockage which help to get better blood supply, improves erection.

  • Testosterone booster tablet: Testosterone tablets and pills are available in the market which help to get high testosterone in the body, but such pills have side effects, it is advised to use pills on medical recommendation only.

  • Patches: It consists of mouth and skin patches, mouth patches get stick in upper part of mouth and releases testosterone.

Some herbs also help in getting better testosterone level, herbs like horny goat weed, yohimbe, ginkgo etc are natural testosterone boosters. This can help to get better testosterone in men. With hormonal replacement therapy it is possible to get better testosterone, and health.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Does Kegel Exercises Help Men To Last Longer

Taking pills, supplements, using several devices are well known treatment facilities for men sexual health problems. But do you know there is natural, effective and safe way to treat erectile problems and enhance your sex life with strength and stamina. Even I didn't know that till my doctor explained me the facts about kegel exercises. Recently I had session with my doctor for my erectile problems, while discussion about the line of treatment he suggested me to go for Kegel exercise. He discussed and elaborate the kegel exercise treatment with me which was fascinating, and after that I was really anxious to know what exactly are kegel exercises.

What are Kegel Exercises
Kegel exercises were develop by Dr.kegel which consists of  exercises for relaxation of kegel muscles sexual stamina and fights impotence, helping men to bring back the power of intimacy in life. It consists of contraction and relaxation of muscles of pelvic floor. Primarily these exercise were meant for pregnant women to help them in convalescent period and in pregnancy, but these exercises were found to be useful in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles which increases

Benefits of Kegel Exercise

  • Kegel exercise help in enhancing penis size.

  • It help in combating premature ejaculation

  • Help to reduce prostate dysfunction complications.

  • Lifts or improves angle of erections.

  • Help to improve stamina and also increases the level of ejaculation.

  • Help in removal of faecal through urination, reduces urinary infections.

These exercises help to get better sexual performance in men and often referred as "Sexercise". Doing kegel exercise help men to prevent erectile dysfunction and also it help men to get better sex drive and penis size  and also help to treat problem of erectile dysfucntion. Even it help in achieving multiple orgasm and elevate libido too. Safe and simple kegel exercise has several advantages which makes it one of the best treatment for all men sexual health complications.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Most Common Sex Problems Of Men

Sex is the most fascinating feeling a human ever experienced. To enjoy sexual health and to have happy sex life it is important to know the common problems which may ruin your sex life. The problems of men sexual health are often ignore and people hesitate to discuss such issues.  The most common problems of men sexual health are as mentioned below with the complete reference.

  • Tiredness: Men often complain about low stamina and poor energy which brings about tiredness resulting in poor sex life. Remedy for this problem is that one must have good sex session. Actually sex releases endorphins which brings energy and stamina. So sex is remedy for tiredness too.                       

  • Erectile dysfunction: Erectile dysfunction is inability to get penile erection in men. Mostly alcohol, diabetes, smoking etc causes erectile dysfunction. To cure erectile dysfunction we have several treatments like hormonal replacement therapy, kegel exercise, male enhancers, surgery etc which help to fight impotency.

  • Low libido: Low libido is condition resulting due to low testosterone. It is more often due to depression, narrowing of blood vessels, improper blood supply to the penile chamber. To fight low libido, it is important to get proper medication and guidance from doctor or health expert.

  • Premature ejaculation: Premature ejaculation is a condition of undesired ejaculation. Or it can define as the uncontrolled ejaculation either before sexual intercourse or in earlier phase of sexual intercourse. The exact cause for this problem is still unknown and the treatment for such conditions includes breathing techniques, physical exercise and activity and much more. 

Some of the above mentioned problems are common in men which are often hard to diagnose and requires special care too. Awareness and discussion about such problem is the healthy way to treat such conditions.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Stendra Review - A New Drug For the Problem of Erectile Dysfunction

Men health issues like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, small penis size etc, still requires medical attention and even today safe and effective treatment for men sexual health problem aren't available. Now as there are several male enhancement supplements in the market. A new and effective supplement stendra(avanafil) has been recently approved by FDA. The product is new but has massive demand as it is effective in treating erectile dysfunction.

As the drug is effective and using it would help to treat erectile dysfunction . But some precautions need to be taken before using stendra. The below mentioned are some precautions which need to be followed before using stendra.

Precautions using Stendra

  • The drug is not meant to use with any other drugs or medicines, If  you are using any nitrate drug with stendra it may cause headache, nausea, dizziness.

  • The drug should be used on medical advice.

  • Heart patients should avoid the use of medicine.

  • Angina or chest pain patients should avoid the use of the stendra.

As some precautions are necessary while using stendra, but proper use of the supplement help to treat erectile dysfunction. There are several advantages of stendra which makes it effective.

Stendra advantages

  • It work fast to treat erectile dysfunction.

  • Contains PDE-5 inhibitors and which help to tackle erectile problems too fast.

  • The product has same effect as sildenafil, or tadalafil.

Stendra side effects

  • Using stendra may result in headache, flushing, back pain.

  • Using stendra with nitrate drugs reduces blood pressure and may result in chest pain, or heart complications. It is advise to stop the use of stendra if you experience chest pain or headache.

Using stendra help to treat erectile dysfunction, increases stamina and enhance male stamina and improves sex drive. Several users claim to have benefit by stendra reviews, which makes it popular, and effective drug in the market today.